About Healthy Dads Healthy Kids – Healthy Dads Healthy Kids https://www.healthydadsandkids.com Newcastle & Hunter Valley health & fitness program Wed, 01 Mar 2023 23:46:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cropped-hdhk-submark-full-color-rgb-72ppi-32x32.png About Healthy Dads Healthy Kids – Healthy Dads Healthy Kids https://www.healthydadsandkids.com 32 32 Innovation https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/innovation/ https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/innovation/#respond Tue, 23 Feb 2016 01:39:49 +0000 http://www.healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=1337 As the first ever obesity intervention targeting fathers and children, HDHK is a highly innovative program. In particular, there are three key novel elements of HDHK:
“…it definitely brought the family closer.” – HDHK Father
  •  Magic of reciprocal reinforcement: In HDHK, reciprocal reinforcement is employed through motivating positive changes in fathers’ lifestyle behaviours, which are subsequently reflected in the child’s behaviour and vice versa. The program engaged dads to become role models for their children while engaging children to become ‘personal trainers’ for their dads. For example, the program motivated fathers to engage in physical activity with their children and involve them in healthy eating opportunities. In turn, the children were encouraged to prompt and encourage their fathers to adopt healthier behaviours. This reciprocal reinforcement of healthier behaviours between father and child(ren) was a major feature and key to the success of the program.
  •  Improving family relationships through physical activity and healthy eating: As well as the health benefits that fathers and children derive through the program, HDHK is demonstrated to improve family relationships. The program engages dads to spend quality time with their children using exercise and healthy eating as the engagement medium. The physical activity arena is well suited to fathers’ masculine interaction styles, and facilitates fun and active play. This positive, unique involvement fosters closeness between fathers and their kids.
  •  Targeting and tailoring for fathers: Most research-based and commercial weight loss programs have been designed specifically with women in mind. These programs fail to embed motivators relevant to men. As such, the majority of existing programs do not appeal to or engage men. HDHK has been designed and tailored to engage fathers through use of humour, language and content that caters for men’s physical, psychological and sociological needs. HDHK is a program that appeals to fathers’ fundamental motivation to be a good role model and do the best they can for their children.
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HMRI Director’s Award for Mid-Career Research https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/hmri-directors-award-for-mid-career-research/ https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/hmri-directors-award-for-mid-career-research/#respond Tue, 09 Feb 2016 06:02:00 +0000 http://www.healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=1265 The HMRI Director’s Award for Mid-Careers Research recognises the achievements of the Hunter’s most gifted mid-career researcher.

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2015 Community Acknowledgement of Research Excellence award https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/2015-community-acknowledgement-of-research-excellence-award/ https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/2015-community-acknowledgement-of-research-excellence-award/#respond Tue, 09 Feb 2016 05:31:27 +0000 http://www.healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=1256 The award, from Hunter Children’s Research Foundation, recognises initiatives that demonstrate excellence in the community.

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Healthy Dads Healthy Kids receives global recognition https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/healthy-dads-healthy-kids-receives-global-recognition/ https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/healthy-dads-healthy-kids-receives-global-recognition/#respond Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:40:23 +0000 http://www.healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=1089 University of Newcastle (UON) Professor Philip Morgan and team have received global recognition for excellence and leadership in promoting health and well-being in the community due to the highly successful obesity prevention program Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids (HDHKTM).

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Get involved https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/get-involved/ Sun, 06 Apr 2014 23:19:39 +0000 http://healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=73 HDHK is just for dads and their children. The HDHK program is relaxed and informal. It addresses issues related to men losing weight in a practical, straight forward manner. It also provides practical ideas about getting children active and eating well.

Sessions are 90 minutes long and are conducted out of school hours. With the sponsorship of the Coal & Allied Community Development Fund and the Hunter Medical Research Institute, the community trial is FREE to participants.

During the 9 session program fathers will:

  • Learn how to be healthy lifestyle role models for their children
  • Learn about the importance of physical activity for maintaining a healthy weight
  • Learn the secrets of getting children to eat their vegetables
  • Have fun with their children
  • Learn ways to get the whole family involved in a healthy lifestyle

The next stage in the Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids program is to adapt the completed pilot study to a world first sustainable educational program in a large regional community.

The upper Hunter Valley of NSW Australia has been selected for this purpose and HDHK program will be delivered through local schools in this location during the second half of 2010 and into 2011.


You can become involved in 2 ways:

  • Participants in the HDHK program
  • Trainers / Facilitators


Fathers (or step-fathers) who would like to become fitter and lose a few kilos, and who have primary age children at any of these schools or areas are invited to participate in the program.

Your contribution is your time. Sessions can be arranged at a time to fit in with your work schedule and we will try for a location convenient to you. More than likely it will be a public school in close proximity in your immediate area. It will be advertised through the school and in the local media.

Trainers /Facilitators

The key to this program’s sustainability lies in our ability to train health or education leaders in each community to implement the program over the long term.

A rigorous evaluation of the program will measure the effectiveness of the community based version of the HDHK program and will provide evidence for making this a statewide or national approach to the obesity issue.
If you would like to be part of the program, you can use the Contact Form on this website or ring Myles on 4985 4038 or Victoria on 4921 6884.

All participants, trainers and facilitators will be participating in the second phase of the HDHK research project evaluating the effectiveness of the community based obesity prevention program.

Dad with his two children

How strong is my HDHK dad

Dad standing on 1 leg

A dad in a HDHK activity session

Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/about-healthy-dads-healthy-kids-2014/ https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/about-healthy-dads-healthy-kids-2014/#respond Sun, 06 Apr 2014 08:51:02 +0000 http://www.healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=824 Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids (HDHK) is a community-based, multi-award winning program, aimed at engaging fathers in positive lifestyle role modelling and effective parenting strategies to improve the physical activity and dietary behaviours of both themselves and their children.
“I cannot recommend this program enough. It has probably added years to my life expectancy…more importantly, it has added immeasurably to my quality of life and my family’s.” HDHK father

HDHK includes 1 x Dads only workshop followed by 8 x 90 minute face-to-face sessions for dads and kids and a home-based component driven by the children. During the program, dads spend quality time with their kids participating and fun, engaging and educational activities that are beneficial to all aspects of their physical and mental health. Both fathers and children learn healthy eating habits and active lifestyle approaches. Dads also learn evidence-based parenting strategies to optimise the physical and mental well-being of their children.

HDHK has been evaluated in six communities across the Hunter and Great Lakes regions (NSW), in partnership with local schools. The results to date have been overwhelmingly positive with substantial long-term improvements in various health outcomes for both dads and kids. Over 500 families (>1000 children) have participated in the program to date. The program’s success is also attributable to the strong partnership between the University of Newcastle (UoN), industry sponsor Coal and Allied, HMRI and the local schools and communities.

Of most significance has been the external recognition HDHK has received in the form of major national/international awards, requests to adapt HDHK to international communities, unprecedented media interest and invited presentations to disseminate the findings to a broad range of stakeholders.

The HDHK Story


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Kids come too https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/kids-come-too/ Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:28:09 +0000 http://healthydadsandkids.com/ What happens?
  • For the first session, Dads come on their own and find out how to be healthy role models for their children
  • For the next 8 weeks, you come along with your dad to have fun being active and getting fit together
  • Enjoy the company of other kids involved in a healthy program

What will you get out of it?

  • You can help dad lose weight, get fitter and eat better
  • You will spend quality time and have great fun with your dad
  • You will get great ideas about how to cook and eat healthily
  • You will play games and compete in  ‘rough and tumble’ activities designed for you and your dad

Dad with son on basketball ring

Watch Healthy Dads Healthy Kids in action https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/healthy-dads-healthy-kids-in-action/ https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/healthy-dads-healthy-kids-in-action/#respond Sun, 12 May 2013 12:55:54 +0000 http://www.healthydadsandkids.com/?page_id=1049 The program targets dads who want to improve their fitness as well as set a healthy example for their kids. Watch the video.

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The research https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/the-research/ Sun, 01 Aug 2010 03:29:13 +0000 http://healthydadsandkids.com/ Obesity in fathers can lead to poor family health

It is well established that obesity is associated with a range of adverse physiological and psychological health consequences. In Australia, two-thirds of men are overweight or obese, and these statistics are similar in many developed countries.  Yet men are less likely to attempt weight loss than women and are notoriously difficult to recruit to weight loss programs.

In addition to the health consequences of being obese as an adult male, those who are fathers also place their child at increased risk for obesity. Earlier research found that obese children with an obese father were nearly three times more likely to remain obese as an adult compared with those children whose father was not obese.

Obesity in fathers has also been found to be associated with a four-fold increase in the risk of obesity for both sons and daughters at 18 years of age, which further  increases childrens risk of various lifestyle diseases in adulthood.

Dads as role models

It is well established that parents have a critical influence on the development of positive health behaviors in children. Parents influence the food and physical activity home environment through their own behaviors, attitudes, modeling, parenting styles and child feeding practices.

Physically active parents more likely to have physically active children.

While there is some research consensus that lifestyle interventions for children should involve parents as key agents of change, systematic reviews highlight the uncertainty around optimal strategies to target and involve parents.

Research to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of well-designed studies that target parental physical activity and dietary behaviors to influence both the parent and the child are a priority.

Family-based interventions have traditionally engaged mothers . Fathers have not been exclusively targeted and their influence on children’s physical activity and eating behaviour is commonly overlooked.

A number of studies have demonstrated the relationship between mothers’ health and behaviors and their children’s well-being but the specific influence of fathers on their children has only recently been examined.

Previous research demonstrated that it was the parenting styles and behaviors of fathers, and not mothers, that predicted preschool children’s overweight status.  Further research found that fathers’ parenting style predicted better maintenance of weight loss in obese children.

Although a body of evidence is accumulating relating to the role of the father in a child’s development, there is a paucity of experimental research on the impact of fathers on childrens physical activity and dietary habits.

Aim of HDHK

The primary aim of the Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids RCT was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of a program that targeted overweight/obese fathers to lose weight, and in turn act as role models to promote positive physical activity and eating behaviors for their children.

The research team hypothesized that health outcomes and behaviors of both fathers and children would improve in the intervention group when compared to a wait-list control group at 6-month follow-up.

Sessions outline https://www.healthydadsandkids.com/sessions-outline/ Sun, 01 Aug 2010 03:28:55 +0000 http://healthydadsandkids.com/ There are nine HDHK sessions which are conducted weekly and are 1 ½ hours long.

Session NumberTimeDads sessionsKids sessionsAttendees
190 minutes
• 30mins: information session (dads and kids separate)
• 60mins: practical session (dads and kids together)
Dads matter in children’s health
Highlights the importance of dads in contributing to the health and development of healthy behaviours in their children.
Rough ‘n’ tumble fun
Kids learn about their mission to ‘get dad fit and healthy’ and are taught about rough and tumble activities.
Dads & Kids
290 minutes
• 30mins: information session (dads and kids separate)
• 60mins: practical session (dads and kids together)
Weight management for men
Explores the challenges of healthy eating in the modern world, outlines the mathematics of weight loss and setting SMART goals to achieve activity and dietary ambitions.
Turning Dad into a healthy eater
Through fun activities, kids learn about ‘sometimes’ foods and ‘anytime’ foods and how they can encourage dad to eat more healthily.
Dads & Kids
390 minutes
• 60mins: information session (mums and dads together, kids separate)
• 30mins: practical session (mum, dad and kids together)
Healthy eating for families
Provides advice on appropriate portion sizes for the whole family, discusses strategies for implementing the trust paradigm to encourage their children to eat healthily at home.
The HDHK rainbow plate
Through fun activities, kids learn about different fruits and vegetables and are challenged to make their plates ‘rainbows’ with a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables.
Dad, Mum & Kids
490 minutes
• 90mins: information session (dads only)
Being a healthy dad– Strategies to enhance you and your family’s life
Highlights the 8 weight loss tips, tells dads how to ‘stay on track’ and provides advice on sustainable approaches to weight loss.
(Dads only session)Dads
590 minutes
• 30mins: information sessions (dads and kids separate)
• 60mins: practical session (dads and kids together)
The unique and powerful influence of fathers
Explains to dads why they have such a powerful influence over their kids, the importance of being a good role model and outlines the most effective parenting style.
Quality time with Dad
Kids are given activities to help them think about games they can play with dad to spend quality time together.
Dads & Kids
690 minutes
• 90mins: information session (dads only)
Raising active kids in an inactive world
Explains the growing issues of childhood obesity and why physical activity is so important for kids, highlights how dads can be physical activity leaders.
(Dads only session)Dads
790 minutes
• 30mins: information session (dads and kids separate)
• 60mins: practical session (dads and kids)
‘Switching on’ your child’s mind by ‘Switching off’
Highlights the physical and mental health issues created by excessive screen time and provides strategies for ‘switching off’.
Helping Dad ‘Switch off’
Kids think about activities they could enjoy from dad instead of playing on the computer or watching TV.
Dads & Kids
890 minutes
• 30mins: information session (dads and kids separate)
• 60mins: practical session (dads and kids)
‘Healthy’ fathering in a busy world
Encourages discussion of barriers and solutions for achieving SMART goals, highlights opportunities to create family traditions and maximise the time dads can spend with their kids.
Becoming Dad’s personal trainer
Kids develop an activity board with games and exercises the family can complete at home.
Dads & Kids
990 minutes
• 30mins: information session (mums and kids together, dads separate)
• 60mins: practical session and presentation (mum, dad and kids together)
Continuing the ‘Healthy Dad’ journey
Reviews the key messages of the program, provides tips for staying on track after the program, awards kids with their certificates.
Helping Dad stay on track
Kids review the program and receive their HDHK Certificates for achieving their mission to get dad fit and healthy.
Dad, Mum & Kids