Mark Philpott – I cannot recommend this programme enough

(An important part of the HDHK program)… taught me where to find the calories that I have been eating. What a shock that was – the allegedly healthy mineral water drink I had with lunch instead of the fizzy drink had more calories; similarly the nuts I had for a snack instead of the biscuits had more calories. I learnt from HDHK about eating large volumes of healthy foods still has calories. One of my largest battles was to get my wife to cut down the amount of food on my plate for dinner. My wife’s a great cook and very conscientious about what we eat, but too much of a good think is still extra calories.

I cannot recommend this program enough.

It has probably added years to my life expectancy but probably more importantly it has added immeasurably to my quality of life and my family’s right now. I have more energy, I want to be more involved with my kids and I have a sense of control of my body. Instead of coming home from work and sitting and watching television I am involved with my family and the activities going on around the house. On weekends we do things together instead of sitting around. My wife particularly comments of the amount of energy and motivation I have now compared to before.